Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Basic Action Commands And Operations With Examples Selenium WebDriver 3.0

I have already posted Selenium WebDrier Tutorials posts the way to setup web driver with eclipse and Run first check with webdriver, the way to configure junit with eclipse to generate webdriver check document. we have additionally research one-of-a-kind techniques of locating factors of software web software in webdriver. All these things are very primary matters and you need to examine all of them earlier than starting your test case introduction in selenium 2. Now we are prepared to learn subsequent step of performing primary movements in internet motive force with java in your software web application.
Today I wants to describe you few basic webdriver commands to perform actions on web element of your software web application's web page. We can perform too many command operations in webdriver to automate software application test process and will look about them one by one in near future. Right now I am describing you few of them for your kind information. Bellow given commands are commonly used commands of selenium webdriver to use in automation process of any software web application.

1. Creating New Instance Of Firefox Driver
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Above given syntax will create new instance of Firefox driver. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE

2. Command To Open URL In Browser
This syntax will open specified URL of software web application in web browser. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF OPEN URL

3. Clicking on any element or button of webpage
Above given syntax will click on targeted element in webdriver. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF CLICK ON ELEMENT

4. Store text of targeted element in variable
String dropdown = driver.findElement(By.tagName("select")).getText();
This syntax will retrieve text from targeted element of software web application page and will store it in variable = dropdown. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF Get Text

5. Typing text in text box or text area.
driver.findElement(By.name("fname")).sendKeys("My First Name");
Above syntax will type specified text in targeted element. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF SendKeys

6. Applying Implicit wait in webdriver
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
This syntax will force webdriver to wait for 15 second if element not found on page of software web application. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF IMPLICIT WAIT

7. Applying Explicit wait in webdriver with WebDriver canned conditions.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElementLocated(By.xpath("//div[@id='timeLeft']"), "Time left: 7 seconds"));
Above 2 syntax will wait for till 15 seconds for expected text "Time left: 7 seconds" to be appear on targeted element. VIWE DIFFERENT PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF EXPLICIT WAIT

8. Get page title in selenium webdriver
It will retrieve page title and you can store it in variable to use in next steps. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF GET TITLE

9. Get Current Page URL In Selenium WebDriver
It will retrieve current page URL and you can use it to compare with your expected URL. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF GET CURRENT URL

10. Get domain name using java script executor
JavascriptExecutor javascript = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String CurrentURLUsingJS=(String)javascript.executeScript("return document.domain");
Above syntax will retrieve your software application's domain name using webdriver's java script executor interface and store it in to variable. VIEW GET DOMAIN NAME PRACTICAL EXAMPLE.

11. Generate alert using webdriver's java script executor interface
JavascriptExecutor javascript = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
javascript.executeScript("alert('Test Case Execution Is started Now..');");
It will generate alert during your selenium webdriver test case execution. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF GENERATE ALERT USING SELENIUM WEBDRIVER.

12. Selecting or Deselecting value from drop down in selenium webdriver.
Select By Visible Text
Select mydrpdwn = new Select(driver.findElement(By.id("Carlist")));
It will select value from drop down list using visible text value = "Audi".
Select By Value
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will select value by value = "Italy".
Select By Index
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will select value by index= 0(First option).

Deselect by Visible Text
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will deselect option by visible text = Russia from list box.
Deselect by Value
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will deselect option by value = Mexico from list box.
Deselect by Index
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will deselect option by Index = 5 from list box.
Deselect All
Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
It will remove all selections from list box of software application's page.

Select listbox = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='FromLB']")));
boolean value = listbox.isMultiple();
It will return true if select box is multiselect else it will return false.VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF isMultiple()

13. Navigate to URL or Back or Forward in Selenium Webdriver
1st command will navigate to specific URL, 2nd will navigate one step back and 3rd command will navigate one step forward. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF NAVIGATION COMMANDS.

14. Verify Element Present in Selenium WebDriver
Boolean iselementpresent = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//input[@id='text2']")).size()!= 0;
It will return true if element is present on page, else it will return false in variable iselementpresent. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF VERIFY ELEMENT PRESENT.

15. Capturing entire page screenshot in Selenium WebDriver
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, new File("D:\\screenshot.jpg"));
It will capture page screenshot and store it in your D: drive. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE ON THIS PAGE.

16. Generating Mouse Hover Event In WebDriver
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
WebElement moveonmenu = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='menu1']/div"));
Above example will move mouse on targeted element. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF MOUSE HOVER.

17. Handling Multiple Windows In Selenium WebDriver.
Get All Window Handles.
Set<String> AllWindowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
Extract parent and child window handle from all window handles.
String window1 = (String) AllWindowHandles.toArray()[0];
String window2 = (String) AllWindowHandles.toArray()[1];
Use window handle to switch from one window to other window.
Above given steps with helps you to get window handle and then how to switch from one window to another window. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF HANDLING MULTIPLE WINDOWS IN WEBDRIVER

18. Check Whether Element is Enabled Or Disabled In Selenium Web driver.
boolean fname = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).isEnabled();
Above syntax will verify that element (text box) fname is enabled or not. You can use it for any input element. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF VERIFY ELEMENT IS ENABLED OR NOT.

19. Enable/Disable Textbox During Selenium Webdriver Test Case Execution.
JavascriptExecutor javascript = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String todisable = "document.getElementsByName('fname')[0].setAttribute('disabled', '');";
String toenable = "document.getElementsByName('lname')[0].removeAttribute('disabled');";
It will disable fname element using setAttribute() method and enable lname element using removeAttribute() method. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF ENABLE/DISABLE TEXTBOX.

20. Selenium WebDriver Assertions With TestNG Framework
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
assertEquals assertion helps you to assert actual and expected equal values. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF assertEquals ASSERTION
Assert.assertNotEquals(actual, expected);
assertNotEquals assertion is useful to assert not equal values. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF assertNotEquals ASSERTION.
assertTrue assertion works for boolean value true assertion. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF assertTrue ASSERTION.
assertFalse assertion works for boolean value false assertion. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF assertFalse ASSERTION.

21. Submit() method to submit form

22. Handling Alert, Confirmation and Prompts Popups

String myalert = driver.switchTo().alert().getText();



driver.switchTo().alert().sendKeys("This Is John");
To type text In text box of prompt popup. VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF TYPE TEXT IN PROMPT TEXT BOX

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Monday, 12 June 2017

10 Benefits Selenium Test Automation Brings for the Publishing Industry

The age after you may virtually ‘judge the book by its cover’ has vanished! A recent report states that publishers are progressively exploitation huge knowledge to sell their book rights globally. With digitization dominating each facet of recreation and moving picture, huge knowledge Analytics and Automation of services will prove remunerative for the publication business. net app/Website is currently the primary place to review a book and could be a potent platform to achieve resolute the niche readers.

As the ebook market prospers over the years, there's a vast quantity of knowledge future for retailers and publishers. There was a time once the commercial enterprise sector wasn't high-powered with such information, however, conversion of the general reading expertise and selling has killed all the inherent limitations of the arena.

Likewise, a recent report states that the world commercial enterprise trade has older positive growth over the last 5 years and is predicted to achieve U.S.A. $348 billion in 2017 with a CAGR of two.3% over succeeding 5 years. Amongst another advantage, web commercial enterprise, foreign investment, and easing of regulative restrictions area unit guaranteed to provides a boost to the commercial enterprise trade within the close to future.
E-books, E-Reading Devices like Kindle area unit making the correct buzz and giving a makeover to the business enterprise business. during this situation, revamping and automating the digital platform is very crucial. For business enterprise homes, the website is that the initial page of the book that the readers can choose and rest their selections.
How do you ensure that your website is giving those consistent results and offering an engaging experience to the rampant footfalls on the site? Testing is the key and Test Automation is the way to ensure your website’s expected look and feel.
With Web Application  Selenium Training in Chennai  it is imperative to address issues like website’s functionality, security issues, user interface, compatibility and performance. Test Automation provides a framework to run tests across browsers with no particular alterations. Importantly, it mechanically drives the same tests with a combination of various forms of data to enhance test coverage.
Some key Test Automation benefits are:
  • It ensures higher ROI on the initially huge investments done.
  • You can test 24*7 from a remotely held device as well.
  • There is less manual intervention, so the possibility of errors diminishes.
  • It makes the test scripts reusable – need new scripts every time even with changes in the version of the OS on the device and the tests can recur without any errors.
  • Automation helps you find bugs at an early stage.
  • Automated tests make the process more reliable and the tests more dependable.
  • Most importantly, it enables testing in volumes. For instance, it allows you to run tests on thousands of mobile devices. Now, this is impossible with Manual Testing.
Selenium is the most popularly used freeware and open source automation tool. The benefits of Selenium for Test Automation are immense. Amongst the many benefits, Selenium is an Open-Source tool and is easy to get started with for functional testing of web applications.
Importantly, it enables record and playback for testing web applications and can run multiple scripts across various browsers. Now that Selenium 3.0 is on its way and testing experts are mapping the roadmap for 4.0 and 5.0, the benefits of Selenium test automation hold relevance across diverse business segments.
  1. Open-Source:
As mentioned earlier, the biggest strength of Selenium is that it is a freeware and a portable tool. It has no upfront direct costs involved. The tool can be freely downloaded and the support for it is freely available, as it is community-based.
  1. Supports languages:
Selenium supports a range of languages, including Java, Perl, Python, C#, Ruby, Groovy, Java Script, etc. It has its own script, but it doesn’t limit it to that language. It can work with various languages and whatever the developers/testers are comfortable with.
  1. Supports Operating Systems:
Selenium can operate and support across multiple Operating Systems (OS) like Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, etc. With Selenium Suite of solutions, a tailored testing suite can be created over any platform and then executed on another one. For instance, you can create test cases using Windows OS and run it with ease on a Linux based system.
  1. Support across browsers:
Selenium provides support across multiple browsers, namely, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc. This becomes highly resourceful while executing tests and testing it across various browsers simultaneously.
The browsers supported by the Selenium packages are:
  • Selenium IDE can be used with Firefox as a plug-in
  • Selenium RC and Webdriver supports diverse browsers such as Internet Explorer
  1. Support for programming language and framework  
    Selenium Training integrates with programming languages and various frameworks. For instance, it can integrate with ANT or Maven type of framework for source code compilation. Further, it can integrate with TestNG testing framework for testing applications and reporting purposes. It can integrate with Jenkins or Hudson for Continuous Integration (CI) and can even integrate with other Open-Source tools to supports other features.
    1. Tests across devices
    Selenium Test Automation can be implemented for Mobile web application automation on Android, IPhone, and Blackberry. This can help in generating necessary results and address issues on a continuous basis.
    1. Constant updates
    Selenium support is community based and an active community support enable constant updates and upgrades. These upgrades are readily available and do not require specific training. This makes Selenium resourceful and cost-effective as well.
    1. Loaded Selenium Suits
    Selenium is not just a singular tool or utility, it a loaded package of various testing tools and so is referred to as a Suite. Each tool is designed to cater to different testing needs and requirements of test environments.
    Additionally, Selenium comes with capabilities to support Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Remote Control (RC).
    1. Ease of implementation
    Selenium offers a user-friendly interface that helps create and execute tests easily and effectively. Its Open-Source features help users to script their own extensions that makes them easy to develop customized actions and even manipulate at an advanced level.
    Tests run directly across browsers and the users can watch while the tests are being executed. Additionally, Selenium’s reporting capabilities are one of the reasons for choosing it, as it allows testers to extract the results and take follow-up actions.
    1. Reusability and Add-ons
    Selenium Test Automation Framework uses scripts that can be tested directly across multiple browsers. Concurrently, it is possible to execute multiple tests with Selenium, as it covers almost all aspects of functional testing by implementing add-on tools that broaden the scope of testing.

Selecting a Programming Language to build Selenium Test Automation Suite

Selenium Training  could be a wide used open supply, transportable code testing framework for net applications. although Se comes with a check domain specific language (Selenese), different programming languages (Java, C#, Ruby, Python) are often accustomed script tests similarly. Tests created in different languages communicate with Selenium Training Institute in Chennai with Placement via line of work strategies within the Selenium Training Center in Chennai consumer API. Best Selenium Training in Chennai is thus consumer language neutral.
All organizations shifting to Selenium for their web app testing face one common question:
What language do we select to build Selenium based test automation suites?
Let’s begin by viewing programming languages as a full. although many various languages exist and new one's square measure still being created, one should note that, roughly ninetieth of the ideas one learns in an exceedingly specific language are applicable to thoroughly completely different languages. once one is accustomed to the core basics (program style, management structures, knowledge structures, and basic operation of a programming language), developing similar skills with another language merely boils all the way down to understanding the grammar nuances.

So, that language ought to one pick? As a personal, the solution is straightforward: escort what you’re most comfy with.

Dima Kovalenko, in his book titled Selenium Training Institute in Chennai style Patterns and Best Practices, illustrates the flexibleness of Se, by showing, however, some common Se command send keys to translate across major scripting languages.

Consistency offered by the WebDriver API across languages simplifies the method of porting take a look at data of 1 language to a different. take a look at engineers become larger assets to their organizations as they will be settled to any net project, written in any programming language, and still be able to produce tests for it instantly.

Uniformity between completely different Selenium Training in Chennai bindings is applicable to most commands within the Selenium Training Course in Chennai API. But, one should note that the quoted example could be a very little simplistic. Action commands square measure framed within the same format in each language. however, once exploitation completely different languages to script code, over time, variations can become apparent between the languages. Therefore, actions that perform well in an exceedingly explicit language may be redundant and counter-intuitive in an exceedingly completely different one.

As explained on top of, no clear favorite emerges once selecting a scripting language for Selenium Training in chennai with placement. however, that one ought to a company select

Friday, 9 June 2017

Getting Started With Selenium–The Open Source Automation Testing Tool

Selenium is an open source automation testing tool used to test Web-based applications. It runs on most of the browsers and operating systems present and is a highly flexible and user-friendly tool. One can develop test scripts in many programming languages (C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, .Net, etc.) and run them on different operating systems using selenium.
Why selenium?
The Selenium tool is one of the best tools available in the market for testing web applications. The demand for this tool is further fueled by its compatibility to work with multiple browsers and operating systems when compared to other tools in the market. Selenium also offers flexibility in terms of writing test scripts. It is not necessary that if the application is developed in one programming language, the scripts should be written in the same language. It is independent of the language in which the website is made. For example, if the application under test is developed in Python, it is not required that the scripts be written only in Python,the test scripts can be written in either JAVA or .Net.
Selenium Training in Chennai provides support to various languages like C#, Java, Python and Ruby. So the user has the flexibility to choose the language in which he/she is comfortable with. Along with this it simply requires a basic knowledge of a particular language to develop functional test scripts.
Let us see some more benefits of using Selenium Training Institute in Chennai:
  • Selenium is a cost effective tool as it is an open source tool and its features can be compared with HP Quick Test Pro which is a commercial tool in the same category.
  • Easy to install and configure the Selenium test environment
  • It can automatically generate and execute the scripts in various systems/browsers simultaneously
  • Selenium provides various components that can be chosen depending upon the complex implementation of a web page
  • It provides support for Android and IPhone Testing
Selenium Training Course in Chennai suite encompasses four components. Let us briefly look at each of the component to determine which is the right tool for one’s requirements.

Different Components of Selenium Tool
Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Selenium IDE is a simple and easy to use framework, which comes as a plugin in the Firefox browser
  • One does not require in-depth programming knowledge to create tests
  • Selenium IDE is popular with beginners in order to learn about concepts on automated testing and selenium commands such as typeopen, clickandwait etc to test web applications
  • IDE can be used for simple record and playback of test scripts, where the code does not need huge customization
  • Mostly used to create simple test cases which are then exported to Web Driver or Selenium RC
  • Can test a web application for Firefox only
Selenium RC (Remote Control)
  • Selenium RC finds favor when one has to run tests on different browsers(except HtmlUnit)on different operating systems.
  • It is a combination of selenium server and any of the client libraries (E.g., Java, .Net, C,C++, etc)
  • It can also be used to test your application against a new browser , if the browser supports javascipt
  • The test scripts developed in Selenium RC can be easily deployed across multiple environments using Selenium Grid
  • Selenium Rc also comes in handy to test web applications with complex AJAX-based scenarios
Web Driver
  • It is a cross platform testing framework that can control browser from an OS level or directly by communicating with it
  • Selenium web driver can be used to test applications which are rich in Ajax based functionalities
  • With the web driver you can create customized test results
Selenium Grid
  • Selenium Grid is used to run tests in parallel
  • The tests that are run in parallel can be executed in multiple browsers running in multiple systems running different OSs.
Selenium Training Institute in Chennai with placement tools with their interoperability and compatibility among various browsers and operating systems, clearly stands out from other proprietary automation tools. With these many features and benefits selenium definitely offers to achieve more in less time, invariably reducing testing time and operating costs for a client.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Selenium Interview Questions and Answers

1) How to get typed text from a textbox?
Use get Attribute (“value”) method by passing arg as value.
String typedText = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of box”)).get Attribute (“value”));
2) What are the different exceptions you got when working with WebDriver?
ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoAlertPresentException, NoSuchAttributeException, NoSuchWindowException, TimeoutException, WebDriverException etc.
3) What are the languages supported by WebDriver?
Python, Ruby, C# and Java are all supported directly by the development team. There are also WebDriver implementations for PHP and Perl.
4) How do you clear the contents of a textbox in selenium?
Use clear () method.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of box”)).clear ();
5) What is a Framework?
A framework is set of automation guidelines which help in
Maintaining consistency of Testing, Improves test structuring, Minimum usage of code, Less Maintenance of code, Improve reusability, Non Technical testers can be involved in code, Training period of using the tool can be reduced, Involves Data wherever appropriate.
There are five types of framework used in software automation testing:
  1. Data Driven Automation Framework
  2. Method Driven Automation Framework
  3. Modular Automation Framework
  4. Keyword Driven Automation Framework
  5. Hybrid Automation Framework, it’s basically combination of different frameworks. (1+2+3).
6) What are the prerequisites to run selenium WebDriver?
JDK, Eclipse, WebDriver (selenium standalone jar file), browser, application to be tested.
7) What are the advantages of selenium WebDriver?
a) It supports with most of the browsers like Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc.
b) It supports with most of the language like Java, Python, Ruby, C# etc.
b) Doesn’t require to start server before executing the test script.
c) It has actual core API which has binding in a range of languages.
d) It supports of moving mouse cursors.
e) It supports to test iphone/Android applications.
8) What is WebDriverBackedSelenium?
WebDriverBackedSelenium is a kind of class name where we can create an object for it as below:
Selenium WebDriver= new WebDriverBackedSelenium (WebDriver object name, “URL path of website”)
The main use of this is when we want to write code using both WebDriver and Selenium RC , we must use above created object to use selenium commands.
9) How to invoke an application in WebDriver?
driver. get (“url”); or driver. Navigate ().to (“url”);
10) What is Selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid allows you to run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines, different browsers and operating systems. Essentially, Selenium Grid support distributed test execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.

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Saturday, 3 June 2017

Trends for Selenium Automation architecture

1.The Future belongs to Open Source Tools:The next decade (may be additional!) can see lots of Open supply tools in action as additional and more organizations can adopt them for correct implementation of Agile, DevOps, Selenium Training in Chennai and take a look at Automation. Support communities for the open supply tools will solely become additional and additional concerned and active.

2.Quality @ High speed is the new mantra:Everyone desires the simplest product within the quickest doable time. this can be creating organizations concentrate on providing the simplest user expertise beside the quickest time to promote. The speed is merely aiming to increase (and the standard better) with the newest technologies and tools at the disposal of groups.

3.Software Development Engineers in Test (SDETs) will be in huge demand: SDETs are existing among North American country since virtually a decade, however their role was terribly completely different from ancient testing roles. Selenium Training Chennai That said, by early 2020, most testers can have to be compelled to wear associate SDET hat to achieve success within the field of take a look at Automation, that's attending to become thought.

4.Agile and DevOps will rule the roost – TCoE is dead:According to Forrester, organizations aren't viewing having centralized take a look at Centers of Excellence any longer. take a look at automation developers nowadays square measure currently a section of the agile groups. The erstwhile testing arena is creating a shift towards quality engineering, and testing is meant to become a lot of reiterative, progressive, and seamlessly integrated with development.

5.Digital Transformation is here to stay:With a majority of organizations creating a foray within the digital world, the necessity for digital transformation would force a large shift of focus towards digital testing. sturdy ways for digital assurance are needed for that specialize in optimizing practical testing across channels.

6.BigData Testing will become really BIG: We area unit sitting atop Associate in Nursing explosive quantity of BigData these days and wish to possess a really robust strategy around BigData Testing. Testing datasets needs extremely analytical tools, techniques, and frameworks, and is a neighborhood that's set to grow huge.

7.IoT: Heralding an era of Connected Devices:With IoT growing in leaps and bounds, a lot of and a lot of customers think about IoT Testing before victimization the merchandise. If the merchandise aren't tested, their practicality, security, and effectiveness – all can come back beneath scanner. in keeping with a HP study, seventy p.c of devices within the net of Things ar liable to security issues.

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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Top Selenium Interview Questions For Beginners

1. What is Selenium?

Ans : Wikipedia defines Selenium as “a portable software testing  framework for web applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language.”
In other words, Selenium is a browser automation tool that allows you to automate operations such as Type, Click, and Selection from a web page drop down.

2. When should one use Selenium Grid?

Ans : Selenium Grid could be used to execute the same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers in parallel. It helps achieve distributed test execution, testing under different environments and saving execution timelines.

3. What Is Selenium And What Are Its Popular Versions?
Ans : Selenium is the most popular testing tool for web-based UI automation. It exposes a set of APIs which support multiple platforms (e.g. Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and so on). Also, all modern browsers likes of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari can be used to run Selenium tests. And it also covers Android platform where Appium is the tool which implements Selenium Webdriver interface for mobile automation.
Notably, Selenium had three major releases apart from many subsequent minor ones. 
4. What Is Selenium Server And How Does It Differ From Selenium Hub?
Ans : Selenium server is a standalone application for using a single server as a test node. Selenium hub acts as a proxy in front of one or more Selenium node instances. A hub + node(s) is called a Selenium grid. Running Selenium server is similar to creating a Selenium grid from a hub and a single node on the same host.
5. How Will You Write A User Extension For Selenium IDE/RC?
Ans :  User extensions are stored in a separate file that Selenium IDE or Selenium RC uses to activate the extensions. It comprises of function definitions which are written in JavaScript. Because Selenium’s core is developed in JavaScript, creating an extension follows the similar standard rules for prototypal languages. To create an extension, we have to write a function in the following design format.

6.How Will You Start The Selenium Server From Java?

ans : try {
seleniumServer = new SeleniumServer();
} catch (Exception e) {

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Thursday, 6 April 2017

Why QA Selenium Automation Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade.

In a current podcast by TestTalks on test mechanization patterns, Joe Colantonio, a main test robotization thought pioneer, shared some fascinating experiences on what he sees to make a stamp in the following year in view of the discoveries from Google, Indeed, Github investigate patterns and by dissecting industry reports, for example, World Quality Report and Zephyr.

Mobile Testing
Like a year ago, versatile testing will keep on remaining at the highest point of test mechanization patterns attributable to the astounding movement in the appropriation of cell phones and innovation in business. Portable application testing will verifiably have the real effect on the product testing industry, which will contain useful, execution, similarity, Selenium Training ease of use and security testing as the significant zones. Specialists likewise foresee that portable test mechanization will cross web test robotization if the market for versatile keeps on ascending at a similar pace, which we accept will happen eventually. Odds are that Open-source structures, Mobile DevOps, and application markets will increment, all things considered, prompting extension of versatile test robotization scene.
 APIs & Micro Services Testing
Further to Big Data speculation, we will see endeavors putting resources into Micro Services which makes it simple to test and convey a Selenium Online Training free bit of usefulness without changing different applications and procedures, making go-to-market quicker for items and applications. This pattern will definitely ascend in the coming years since it guarantees testing of complex applications which contain little, free procedures and models. Then again, to test applications exhaustively, API testing will be one of the top necessities of undertakings to test the conditions of utilization with different applications.

Web Services & SOA Automation

Nearby API and smaller scale administrations testing, testing of the web administrations and SOA structures will be similarly critical to check the end-to-end execution of the applications. The intricate application combinations in today's Selenium Training Institute opportunity require that the frameworks with which it is associated imparts accurately and conveys the correct reaction. Henceforth, we will see an ever increasing number of ventures putting resources into SOA and web administrations test mechanization.
Configuration Management Automation, Chef & Puppet
To accomplish the end-to-end testing objectives and benefit as much as possible from QA robotization, we additionally observe design administration mechanization getting the consideration of QA endeavors. Setup administration is about making programming item foundation, capacities, operations and physical qualities more reasonable, versionable and testable No.1 Selenium Training. There are a few devices which help accomplish the arrangement administration computerization, for example, Chef, Puppet, and Docker.
Virtualization & Containerization
While move left testing will guarantee there are lesser bugs in the general programming improvement lifecycle, Virtualization and Containerization will guarantee speed.One of the greatest difficulties of robotization testing in today's chance is to test and discharge applications rapidly alongside monitoring the earth and looking after it. Virtualization and Containerization will be one of the greatest patterns, which will permit you to disconnect your code for testing. Top 10 Selenium Online Training Institute This practice will help robotize and discover issues faster, dispensing with the confusion that is brought about to the encompassing condition.